Here are some causes of acne which I know:
1. Hormonal, acnes commonly occur during hormonal exchanges, like female during her pre-period, teenagers, pregnant mommies, menopouse, mood, etc.
2. Unhealthy life style, such as often comsume junk food, smoking, irregular sleep pattern, jarang buang air besar, uncleaned face, etc.
3. Allergic to some ingredients in cosmetics.
Here are some steps that can be taken to resolve acne/blemishes problem, based on my own experients:
1. Healthy snacks and foods, choose fruits than greasy snack, such as rujak,yummy!! ... greassy food will exceed oil production on skin, oil has tendency easy to be infected by bacteria which causes acne.
2. Defecate at each day, so the toxins etc wont have chance to be absorbed and then you'll have healthy intentine, and also healthy skin on the outside. It can be promoted by comsuming fiber on your diet, that means eat veggies or fruits!! And you also can choose whole wheat products, such as brown bread.
3. Drink a lot of water at each day. Water has cleasing properties, healthy body means healthy skin.
4. Consume NATURAL food suplement that can help to get rid or prevent acne occurance. According my experience, external medicine is not enough to prevent/get rid of acne. I recomend natural product such as "darsi" for this purpose, the ingredients are natural and quiet common with us, such as curcuma and its kinds. It's effective and very affordable. Natural products wont show instant result, it will occur after 1week or more, but it's saver and healthier, just stick to the directions, anything lebay is unhealthy.
5. Good sleep pattern, adequate sleep provides your body, organs, skin to rest and restore/regenerate.
6. Don't be tempeted by cosmetic promotions etc, sometimes acne is caused due allergic reaction to a /some ingredient on cosmetics. If this is the problem, stop the using immediatly, hopefully the allergic reaction will be reduced or gone, if not, then you need to see skin experties (according to some friends it's quiet expensive. I have never been to skin experties, no need to, and hopefully never need to).
7. Clean your face everyday, especially at night before sleeping, daily routine is more sigificant than irregular(and expensive) visit to beauty center.
8. Cucumber peeling. Yuppy, cucumber has natural peeling properties, it's gentle and natural to get rid the dark spots. Cucumber also can help to clean oil on skin. A friend of mine once got an allergic reaction on a cosmetic she wore on her wedding day, her skin became hot, reddish and darken (scarry!!), then she put cucumber juice everyday on her skin, then the skin gradually got peeled (she said like changing skin, like snake???!!), and left the healthy looking skin.
Sometimes i put cucumber slices/juice on face and eyes after i clean my face every night, just leave then about 15minutes, then rinse with water.
1. Hormonal, acnes commonly occur during hormonal exchanges, like female during her pre-period, teenagers, pregnant mommies, menopouse, mood, etc.
2. Unhealthy life style, such as often comsume junk food, smoking, irregular sleep pattern, jarang buang air besar, uncleaned face, etc.
3. Allergic to some ingredients in cosmetics.
Here are some steps that can be taken to resolve acne/blemishes problem, based on my own experients:
1. Healthy snacks and foods, choose fruits than greasy snack, such as rujak,yummy!! ... greassy food will exceed oil production on skin, oil has tendency easy to be infected by bacteria which causes acne.
2. Defecate at each day, so the toxins etc wont have chance to be absorbed and then you'll have healthy intentine, and also healthy skin on the outside. It can be promoted by comsuming fiber on your diet, that means eat veggies or fruits!! And you also can choose whole wheat products, such as brown bread.
3. Drink a lot of water at each day. Water has cleasing properties, healthy body means healthy skin.
4. Consume NATURAL food suplement that can help to get rid or prevent acne occurance. According my experience, external medicine is not enough to prevent/get rid of acne. I recomend natural product such as "darsi" for this purpose, the ingredients are natural and quiet common with us, such as curcuma and its kinds. It's effective and very affordable. Natural products wont show instant result, it will occur after 1week or more, but it's saver and healthier, just stick to the directions, anything lebay is unhealthy.
5. Good sleep pattern, adequate sleep provides your body, organs, skin to rest and restore/regenerate.
6. Don't be tempeted by cosmetic promotions etc, sometimes acne is caused due allergic reaction to a /some ingredient on cosmetics. If this is the problem, stop the using immediatly, hopefully the allergic reaction will be reduced or gone, if not, then you need to see skin experties (according to some friends it's quiet expensive. I have never been to skin experties, no need to, and hopefully never need to).
7. Clean your face everyday, especially at night before sleeping, daily routine is more sigificant than irregular(and expensive) visit to beauty center.
8. Cucumber peeling. Yuppy, cucumber has natural peeling properties, it's gentle and natural to get rid the dark spots. Cucumber also can help to clean oil on skin. A friend of mine once got an allergic reaction on a cosmetic she wore on her wedding day, her skin became hot, reddish and darken (scarry!!), then she put cucumber juice everyday on her skin, then the skin gradually got peeled (she said like changing skin, like snake???!!), and left the healthy looking skin.
Sometimes i put cucumber slices/juice on face and eyes after i clean my face every night, just leave then about 15minutes, then rinse with water.